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Bringing Hope to Vulnerable Children in Zimbabwe

Our Mission 

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

BOHJ rescues Aids orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe by bringing hope to them through access to education, better health and a more dignified life. BOHJ embraces God's love and hope for child in abandonment and poverty through educational assistance, spiritual nourishment, and developing life and leadership skills.  


We strongly believe that empowering these young lives with education and knowledge, gives them hope to succeed. We hope to team up with the communities where these children live with self-help projects that enable the guardians to be self-sufficient. BOHJ is a Christian organization which provides educational opportunities for children of all race, gender, disabilities, and religious affiliation.

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 “Troy"  Grade 7,  Epworth, Harare, Zimbabwe.   

Grateful for the unwavering support of our sponsors, who believe in empowering students like Troy to reach new heights. Together, we make dreams a reality.

BOHJ creates opportunities for disadvantaged children in Zimbabwe.

Make a difference by sponsoring a student and helping them get through school.

Meet the visionary for BOHJ, the late Mrs. Joyce Muchechetere

Change the life of a child by donating 

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© 2020 by BOHJ

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